
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
We seek the blessed opportunity to lead people to salvation in the knowledge of Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit; He gives the increase (1st Corinthians 3:6).
We are spiritual gardeners, continually sowing new seeds, watering and nurturing seeds with the Word of God. Every day we pray we will have the opportunity to lead people to Jesus. We pray, we practice compassion. God is love, He knows the maps of our hearts. The Body of Christ is our Church, we gather in homes and on the streets to pray together.
Jesus ministered outside, enjoyed dinner with friends at home, served dinner on mountains.
We are on the streets where you live, in grocery stores, at the hardware store, at the post office, wherever you go! We KNOW the POWER and the LOVE of GOD and we want YOU to know, too! We have been freely given His mercy, His Grace and we know His Love. Our God is fair and is the Creator of Justice. Get to know Him! There is no going back, you`ll see His Goodness, Mercy and Love is unfathomable.
We thank JESUS CHRIST, He taught us how to serve, promised us eternal life, and delivered on this promise by His horrible death and Holy Resurrection. It`s all spelled out specifically in His Holy Word. His HOLY SPIRIT is at work: He works through each one of us, we are His servants until He returns in GLORY!
Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give you eyes to read and a heart to understand His Word. Replace bitterness with JOY, despair with HOPE and doubt with FAITH.
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